Monday, March 10, 2008

Stuck in a Stage

I allowed myself to admit something the other day that has been true for some time, but I have always pushed it aside. It is something that always comes up when I see a friend or aquaintence and they ask "How have things been?" or "What have you been up to latley?" I think to myself and then answer the same thing every time...."Things are good, not much new going on, just working all day and going home." That seems to pretty much sum up my life over the last 6 months. Same old stuff. Sure there are other things going on from time to time, we are a part of a house church and d-group as well as church on Sunday morning, but it all just feels like a cycle, a rythem where everything is running a little too smooth. Everyday is predictable.

I thank God for the life he has given me, I do not want to complain about it whatsoever becasue I am so blessed, but I guess I just do not feel challenged by many things. I am too comfortable and settled in my life and I feel stuck in this stage.

I also feel that the change that I sense needs to happen is not something that has to do with my circumstances (work, church, relationships etc.), but it has to do with my heart and the way I am choosing to live. I am choosing to be as comfortable as possible and as lazy as I can get away with becasue I think that is what I want, but all it has done is give birth to this viscious cycle that I feel stuck in. A self-obsessed cycle where I am king and what I say goes. It looks silly when I type that, but there is some truth to it.

I do not have all the answers, but I am praying for change in my heart. I also do not want to continue to bash myself over things that I feel are not quite right becasue I know we all have those things in our lives. God has deposited so many good things in my life and I really am trying my best to live them out. I guess what I am feeling right now is just a sense of a change that needs to take place and He needs to do it in me. You can only get stuck if you stay in the same place to long, so I believe it is time to take a step foward and trust.


jaime cochran said...

funny thing is that I have been praying this exact thing for you recently. it's good to hear it coming out of you bro. i love your honesty in struggling and conquering. you are a love man, and i'm blessed to have you in my life.